When renting a condo in San Antonio, TX, you need to be familiar with what it entails. It is best to obtain condo insurance from Shavano Insurance Agency, LLC. Here are some reasons why.
One common misconception is that condo insurance is unnecessary because renter’s insurance is the same thing. The truth is that you will want condo insurance because it is more comprehensive than basic renter’s insurance is. Condo associations often require you to take out extra insurance coverage.
In this type of living situation, condo associations choose from two different approaches. one of them is a single entity and the other is bare walls. Which choice a condo association ultimately agrees to, determines the level of coverage they get. Bare walls coverage only includes protection in common areas, while single entity coverage provides protection for tenants' fixtures.
Aside from the fact that most homeowner’s associations require you to have condo insurance, there are other compelling reasons to get it. Anything can happen in Texas and you need to be prepared for unexpected occurrences. Having condo insurance means that in the event yours suffers damage that renders it unlivable, you will be able to acquire temporary accommodations.
If you are renting your condo, insurance is still a good idea. However, if you purchase a condo using a mortgage, the mortgage company will most likely require you to obtain condo insurance, for their protection as well as yours. The state's housing crisis is the main reason for this.
Any San Antonio, Texas condo can and should be protected by insurance. To get your own, all you must do is call and make an appointment with Shavano Insurance Agency. We will answer all your questions and help you choose the best policy for your needs.